Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Watch the Door

One day, when Nasreddin was still young. His mother would have something to do outside. Before leaving, she said to Nasreddin, “Nasreddin, since you’re at home alone, you’ve to watch the door carefully. Don’t late anyone in. There have been many thieves recently.”
Nasreddin, therefore, sat by the door. An hour later, his uncle came. “Where is your mother?” he asked.
“She is out” Nasreddin answered.
“My family will be here altogether this evening. Go and tell your mother not to be away this evening.”
As his uncle left, Nasreddin started thinking, “Mother told me to watch the door. Uncle asked me to find her and tell her that he would be here with the whole family.”

Having thought over and over, he finally made a decision. He pulled the door up, carried it, and wnt to meet this mother.

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